21 May 2012

Always Amazing...

I picked the first carrot of the year today whilst visiting family. Such a joy and something so simple to harvest your own vegetables!!

This is not just for a select few - even if you don't have much room in the garden or even no garden you can grow alfalfa sprouts, cress, herbs or salad leave in your kitchen - something that is great for children to be involved with. For them to know where their food comes from and how their food has arrived to their plate should be one of the most important factors in their education and not just from their school lessons...I am sure many would agree that education starts at home.

So lets start the fun! Details on how to grow alfalfa sprouts are under the March 2012 posts on this blog.

13 May 2012

More Beetroot Loveliness...

Hello lovely people!

Check the recipe section for a delicious pasta sauce recipe made with Beetroots - lots of vegetables crammed in this sauce to compliment pasta which makes it perfect for children. Due the nature of Beetroot this sauce is very good for creating healthy blood unlike regular consumption of many acidic ingredients found in usual pasta suaces - tomato, vinegar, sugar etc.

Do let me know how your children respond :)

9 May 2012

Fruit Kebabs

Delicious, attractive and healthy too!

Simply chop some fruit and slide onto kebab sticks - depending on their age your children can help with peeling bananas, and chopping soft fruit with a child safe knife. Check the recipe section of this blog for the recipe of the peanut butter toffee sauce - completely sugar free but sooo good!

Please note: Be sure to always supervise while your children eat fruit off the kebab sticks.

1 May 2012

It's Trade Fair Week!

I am so looking forward to this week as I am off to the well known Eco trade fair this week in Barcelona, and will be able to have a good old nose at all the new products on the market...I will keep you posted of any exciting news/tips and recipes.