Why not try a few of these out this summer? All you need appliance wise
is either a hand held blender for the smoothies or a smaller juicer for the
You may notice that I don't use ice in juices and smoothies, not only
does this water down the flavour, it can also put more strain on the body
(especially the kidneys) if excessive amounts of ice cold drinks are consumed.
A freshly made juice or smoothie is perfect and the sooner it is
drunk once made, the more vitamins you and your family will be able to
absorb. Also see a previous post on this blog called ´The White Stuff´ for more
information about dairy foods.
Smoothie Ideas
Using banana and rice milk as a base you can create very creamy 100%
dairy free smoothies. Rice Milk is preferred to soya as it is easier for the
body to digest as raw soya products can cause inflammation and
bloating. By adding a few grains of sea salt you can
also bring out the natural sweetness of the fruit and help balance the acidity
thus making it easier to digest.
- Banana, Rice Milk, Strawberry
- Banana and Rice Milk with Almonds
- Banana, Rice Milk and Blackberries
- Kiwi, Apple, Banana and Orange
- Banana, Rice Milk and Pineapple
- Banana, Rice Milk and Peach
- Fruit Salad: Banana, Kiwi, Orange, Strawberry and Rice Milk
- Peach, Orange and Apple Juice
- Banana, Rice Milk and Cinnamon
- ?? (Experiment and enjoy creating your own flavours!)
Juice Ideas
MMmm fresh carrot juice! If you
haven’t tried it, add it to your to do list this summer. Children will love the natural
- Carrot and Apple
- Carrot and Pear
- Celery, Apple and Mint
- Pear and Apple
- Carrot, Orange, Apple and Beetroot
- Carrot, Apple and Celery
- Apple, Orange, Cucumber and Mint
- Apple, Cherry, Orange
- ?? (Experiment and enjoy creating your own flavours!)
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