1 August 2012

Fresh Vegetables are Always Best!

Enter the wonderful world of growing your own vegetables!

If you don't have time or space you can always just start with ordering an organic veg box for your weekly vegetables instead of relying on supermarkets. There are so many different box schemes out there and prices for organic produce can be more affordable than previously thought. We are what we eat, and children deserve the best quality food that is affordable to become fit and healthy as well as performing well at school.

Weird but Wonderful!

This is one of the fun, exciting parts of growing vegetables which children willl love - harvesting the vegetables and finding supprises!

We are so conditioned to what vegetables should look like through the selective demands of supermarkets we often forget that they are a product of nature and that differences can occur. This doesn't mean to say the tatse or goodness is any less if one carrot differs from another in size or shape.

Fruit Flan Recipe

The recipe for the delicious celebratory Fruit Flan that I previously posted about is now in the recipe section of this blog - perfect for any occasion and fruit/colours/designs can be altered for any occasion!

This is great for getting your children involved. If you have individual dishes every child can create their own design with varying colours of different fruits such as raspberries, blueberries, kiwi slices, banana slices, tangerine segments etc etc - happy creating!

Growing Tips

Thought I'd make the most of my time visiting the family garden expert the other day so I made the point of getting some extra tips for growing vegetables for everyone.

Baby carrots are perfect as a lunchbox snack/filler and are so easy to grow in your garden, patio pots, windowsills etc etc (all they need is about a 20cm depth). You can buy seeds from local garden centres for small carrot varieties.

The following tips help to produce a good crop of baby carrots...
  • FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD - Use fertile soil (garden compost or fertile soil from garden centres)
  • BRING ON THE WATER - Keep the soil moist
  • NICE AND COSY - The soil should be warm (this means planting in March/June to get a summer crop)
  • LET THERE BE LIGHT - Grow in an area of the garden or a widow that recieves plenty of sunlight.